Qualcomm has launched the snapdragon 650 in December 2015, and again in February 2016 they launched another chipset in the 600 series i.e. named snapdragon 625. After the launch of 625 many people are confused that which one is powerful and which one is power efficient between these two chipsets and me as a techie guy investigated a lot about the chipsets and presented a comparison before you. Firstly I shall give you information about both these chipsets.
Snapdragon 650
This chipset is a hexa-core processor in which there are two powerful cortex A-72 cores and four less powerful cortex A-53 cores. The powerful cores are clocked at 1.8 GHz and the less powerful cores are clocked at 1.4 GHz. Here, you should know that the performance of A-72 core is better than A-52 core. It is made on older 28 nm technology. It has adreno 510 GPU. It supports 2K Display.
Snapdragon 625
On the other hand this chipset is an octa-core processor in which there are 8 similar A-53 cores are present, which is clocked at 2GHz. It is made on superior 14nm architecture. It had adreno 506 GPU. It supports FULL HD display.
On paper the 650 chipset looks more powerful when compared with 625 but in real life there is not much difference in the performance of the chipsets. As 650 has two A-72 cores, therefore when we push it more, it has a slight edge over 625. But as the 650 has more powerful A-72 cores therefore it consumes much battery and tends to heat while very heavy usage. Heating throttle the processor and then it tends to lag.
As the 625 is made on 14 nm fin fit technology it consumes less battery and therefore it is much power efficient.
So in my view 625 is an overall good chipset which gives performance as well as power efficiency but at the same time I am also not saying that 650 is a bad chip
#processor #qualcomm #625 #650
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